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“Every hour that you continue to exist is of greatest help to BEF. Government has therefore decided you must continue to fight. Have greatest possible admiration for your splendid stand.”

does not include shipping

Game Design: Paul Rohrbaugh
Editing: Lisa Rohrbaugh and Pieter-Jan de Wilde
Graphics: Bruce Yearian Playtesting: Brian Brennan, Mike Ryan, Pieter-Jan de Wilde, Patrick Saurmur, John Scardina, and Jack Stalica

Mounted counters are available for an additional $6.00

One 11 by 17 inch map | 177 single-sided units | One Player Aid | One, 6 page Rules Book

After breaking out of the Ardennes the German armored and motorized forces drove for the Channel ports to divide the Allied forces from one another. The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in Belgium and the British High Command in London were in a quandary as to how best to proceed; whether to find a way to breakout of the German encirclement or withdraw from the continent back to Great Britain

The Allied forces in Calais, composed of recently landed British regular and reservist (Territorials) infantry, as well as elements of the 1st Armoured Division, received contradictory orders as to whether they were to defend the port, advance and attack, or withdraw.


The battle of Calais in many ways came to stand for the tragic outcome  of the campaign for the Allies in 1940. The garrison’s determined stand also took a toll on the German’s 10th Panzer Division, and that any invasion of Great Britain would not be easy or similar to what transpired in France and Low Countries.

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