In the year 333 BC, Alexander the Great and King Darius III
crossed swords for the first time. The official war objective of
Macedonia was revenge. Revenge on the Persians for the
destructive campaign against Greece, which had taken place 150
years previously.

does not include shipping
Game Design:
Paul Rohrbaugh
Development: Lisa
Graphics: Bruce Yearian
Brian Brennan, Chris Salander, and Emory
Earl Toops
Mounted counters are available for an additional $6.00
One 11 by 17 inch map | 57 single-sided
units and markers | One Player Aid | One,
9 page Rules Book
Crossing Fate is
an introductory level wargame of the Battle
of Issus that was fought by the forces of
Darius the Great, King of Persia and
Alexander the Great of Macedon along with
his Greek Allies. To insure the security of
the Macedonian Hegemony, and to wrest
control of the Persian Empire’s territories
bordering on the Aegean and Mediterranean,
Alexander launched an invasion of Anatolia.
The first major battle was fought against
the Persian satraps of Anatolia at the
Granicus river. Alexander’s forces garnered
a decisive victory, and in response Darius
traveled west to personally organize his
troops for a showdown with the Macedonian
interloper. The two sides
met along the Pinarus river that ows into
the Gulf of Issus. The fates of two empires
were about to collide.