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The Queen, the Government, the Country and I would rather prefer to have honor without ships, than ships without honor

does not include shipping

Game Design: Paul Rohrbaugh
Editing: Lisa Rohrbaugh
Graphics: Bruce Yearian Playtesting: Nicolas Aubert, Brian Brennan, and Andy Field

Mounted counters are available for an additional $6.00

One, 11" by 17" map | 242 single-sided, unmounted counters and markers | One Players Aid Sheet | One, 8 page Rules Booklet

The South American countries of Peru, Bolivia and Chile united in defying the Spanish government access to the nitrate rich Chincha Islands, and over other trade issues. Anti-Spanish riots and atrocities against Spanish citizens in these nations led to Spain ordering a powerful squadron of warships.

After taking the islands and announcing a blockade the Spanish Admiral Casto Mendez Nuñez announced that unless reparations were paid and apologies given by the South American Allied nations to Spain, the Spanish ships would begin attacking their shipping and ports.

The Spanish fleet’s attack at Callao was violent and damaging. Nearly 6,000 shells were fired by the Spanish ships alone, causing many casualties and much damage to the port’s defensive works and Allied warships. The Spanish fleet, however, also suffered with several of their warships severely damaged, crippled, or nearly sinking by the end of the afternoon when Admiral Nuñez ordered the Spanish fleet to break off and retire. Although inconclusive both sides claimed victory.


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