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“Viva la Muerte!”—Rallying cry of the Nationalist forces during much of the Spanish Civil War.

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Game Design:Paul Rohrbaugh
Graphics: Ilya Kudriashov Playtesting: Brian Brennan and Pierre Razoux

Mounted counters are available for an additional $5.00

One 11 by 17 inch map | 63 unmounted, double sided units | One Rule Book 

The Republican cause was in serious jeopardy after a year-and-a-half of bloody fighting. Many felt it would take a miracle to rejuvenate an army that was barely hanging on in Madrid, and reeling from repeated Nationalists blows elsewhere in Spain. As winter settled in, the need for some sort of victory in the field was increasingly necessary as France and the Soviet Union began wavering in their support, and Great Britain stepped up its “blockade” that in reality only helped the Nationalists.

One of the most direct threats to Republican survival was the salient to the south of Madrid. Any further Nationalist gains in that sector could cut-off the capital’s link to the rest of Republican-controlled Spain. With little to lose and much to win, General Enrique Lister’s 11th Division was placed in the vanguard of the Republican counter-attack. Their goal was to take the key defensive position of La Muela de Teruel—Teruel’s Tooth.
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